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OWN™ Organic Wine Nutrient 22.7 kg

Organic Wine Nutrient is compliant with USDA/NOP regulations for organic winemaking and contains only naturally-occurring vitamins in a rich, fully autolyzed yeast base.


Organic Wine Nutrient contains only naturally-occurring vitamins in a rich, fully autolyzed yeast base.

BSG OWN™ is compliant with USDA/NOP regulations for organic winemaking and has been reviewed and accepted by the CCOF.

Recommended Use:

1 lb OWN™ in 1000 gallons yields 8 ppm YAN.

  • If initial YAN 150 ppm use 5 lb/1000 gallons (half at beginning of ferment and half at mid-ferment)
  • If initial YAN 200 ppm use 4 lb/1000 gallons (half at beginning of ferment and half at mid-ferment)
  • If initial YAN 250 ppm use 2 lb/1000 gallons for balance (add at mid-fermentation)
  • Making organic wine from grapes with an initial YAN lower than 150 ppm is not recommended